MultimanagerPMOct 6, 2023Hedge Fund Debuts Finally Top Closures in 2Q 2023 as per BloombergBloomberg reported that the number of new hedge funds launching in 2Q 2023 overtook the number of closures for the first time since early...
TigerGreatGrandcubSep 25, 2023Ken Griffin, Founder of Citadel & Citadel Securities, Joins Bid on UK Media Company The TelegraphCitadel Founder Griffin joins fellow hedge fund titan Marshall in bid for UK media company The Telegraph
MultimanagerPMAug 28, 2023Hedge Funds 101: What is a Multimanager Hedge Fund?This installment of Hedge Funds 101 dives into strategies, team structure at multimanager hedge funds, and how to position yourself best...